Too many providers are more concerned with the SIZE of their office than anything else.  They immediately share space with another provider because his office is so large or has so many treatment rooms.  However, they rarely stop to think about why the provider is offering to share the space.  Is it because he can’t fill it himself?  Or pay for it himself?  Did he pick a bad location?  Is he using you to help pay his bills?

I’ve seen plenty of highly successful practitioners make a very good living in a very small space.  I call these “boutique” offices, and some are like little jewel boxes.  They offer things the big offices can’t or don’t.  Because they have less overhead, they can adequately space out their appointments and spend quality time with each patient.  Every small office I’ve ever been in has the tea on, and I’m always personally greeted.  I usually don’t wait long, but they know I’m there the second I walk through the door. I don’t care if they have just two treatment rooms and not ten, and I’m not alone in feeling this way; a patient wants a personal experience, and that usually comes in a smaller environment.

Patients also want convenience over the size of an office.  Who cares that you are renting space in a big fancy office if you aren’t available the days and times I’m available to see you?  Or what if I can’t get parking, or if I can, but it costs me?  When making a decision about your office probably the size should be low on the list of considerations.  Don’t let ego get in the way.  Think about the experience of the patient.  Literally how is he going to think or feel from the moment he gets there until the moment he leaves?  Less is more.  You actually can charge more in a small office; it’s about the time you spend and the concern you show; it’s not about the size.  It never has been.

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